Thursday, September 15, 2011

Walking off Diabetes - New, Realistic and FUN exercise goals for Type 2 Diabetes Patients

A common misconception concerning exercise is that physical activity must be vigorous to provide health benefits.  But don't go signing up for any marathons just yet - new guidelines are requiring more realistic goals for Type 2 diabetes patients.   The HHS guidelines state that 150 minutes of brisk walking a week - about 20 minutes a day - substantially reduces the risk of numerous chronic diseases, including diabetes, depression, and breast cancer.

Walking is one of the most popular and widely recommended forms of physical activity for people with diabetes. It’s easy, relaxing and can be done practically anywhere, with anyone! Dr. Regensteiner, professor of medicine and director of the center for women’s health at the University of Colorado at Denver, stresses the important of making exercise goals fun and realistic.  Focusing on this behavioral aspect of exercise will result in more patients following their regimens.

For more information about contemporary exercise guidelines, check out the full article here

Want to start reaping those health benefits right away?? 
Jump start your walking routine with us on October 1st at the Step Out Walk to Fight Diabetes.  For more information or to join our team