Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Diabetes Outreach at Johns Hopkins

Operation Diabetes joined up with NCPA (National Community Pharmacists Association) to educate the community about diabetes at Johns Hopkins Outpatient Pharmacy.
We played Diabetes Jeopardy with people who came by our table to help them learn about diabetes and clarify common myths. We used the Diabetes Risk Test screening tool below to determine patient's risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes. The test takes into account age, sex, family history, physical activity, and weight to determine risk for diabetes. We enjoyed interacting with the community and felt that we made a positive impact by educating people about diabetes. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Dietitian Comes to University of Maryland

On November 12th, Operation Diabetes brought Annette Hottenstein to speak at the University of Maryland. Annette is a Registered Dietician and is involved with the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the American Diabetes Association. From her presentation, students learned about th history of nutrition therapy in diabetes. She pointed out that being overweight is not the only risk factor for diabetes. People who are not overweight can also be at risk. She taught that diabetics shouldn't skip meals, they should avoid sugary drinks, and eat lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fish. In fact, the diabetic diet is the same as the recommended American diet. Unfortunately, the typical American diet is far from the recommended diet and she passed around bags showing the typical amount of fat and sugar in a fast food meal.
 Amount of butter in a fast food meal:                                            Amount of sugar in a fast food meal:


Annette also talked about foods that are good for diabetics. Oatmeal has been shown to be good for controlling blood sugar. Some diabetics feel that cinnamon is helpful but there is unclear evidence about its benefits. Fenugreek spice has some data showing its benefits and it tastes like maple. Whey has more evidence supporting it, but Alpha Lipoic Acid has the strongest evidence that it will effect glucose levels in the blood.
MOD learned a lot from Annette Hottenstein's talk!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Walk To Stop Diabetes in Baltimore

On October 6th 50 students came together to do the Walk to Stop Diabetes in Baltimore. It was a perfect day for a walk around the harbor with sunny blue skies above. We had pharmacy students from first through 4th year participating and a few PhD students as well. We raised $840 towards the American Diabetes Association. The money will go towards research to prevent, cure and manage diabetes; deliver services to hundreds of communities; and provide objective and credible information. Everyone enjoyed walking and getting to know each other outside of the classroom.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Operation Diabetes Training Session - October 10th at 5 pm!

Please join us tomorrow October 10th at 5 pm for a synchronous Operation Diabetes Training session!!  The training session will be held in N 111 at the Baltimore campus and SG 2131 at the Shady Grove campus.  Dr. Deanna Tran, Assistant Professor and APhA Advisor, will help you feel more comfortable talking to patients at health fairs.  Through her interactive presentation you will learn general information about diabetes, complications and tips for managing diabetes.  She will also introduce the Operation Diabetes screening tool and how to use it.

Please don't miss this opportunity to become involved in patient outreach!  Food will be provided!!